Research-Informed Medical Intelligence Reports

patient-advocacy-or-rmRegularly, I provide research-based medical case management analysis and guidance in the form of medical intelligence reports for individuals with a given disease condition. To this end, I research the primary literature, including meta-analyses, systematic reviews, and other peer-reviewed studies, as well as established and validated guidelines to better understand the best clinical practices and recommended treatment regimens for a variety of disease conditions. This literary analysis is used to inform the development of a patient-specific medical intelligence report, in which I present the gold-standard diagnostic methodologies and prognostic expectations associated with any given disease condition, explain the molecular and pathophysiological underpinnings of the condition, and weigh the costs and benefits of different treatment options.

Ultimately, these reports offer information based on current empirical data, such that patients may thoroughly comprehend the nature of their respective disease condition, become aware of various treatment options and associated considerations, as well as pertinent clinical trials (if applicable), and be prepared to make informed decisions together with their provider.